Friday, September 18, 2009

Almost 7 Weeks!

Bubbley Bubs! Loves her toys and is happy/ kissy/ friendly! This is a girl that is going to be happy learning things. Her play-drive will give you something to work with using her toy as a reward. This girl has the nature of a super- sweet Golden Retriever. She is clever too!

5 Weeks Old

These are both calm, sweet and cuddley girls. Although they look the same size, under all that fluff... Sheila is much heavier. Bubbles is the light weight, of the group, but, she doesn't show it.

3 Weeks Old

Bubbles (on left) with sister Sheila (on right).

10 Days Old

Looks like we've got a talker!

1 Week Old

6 Days Old

What a pretty girl! I hope she keeps that nice head.... you can see her markings coming through.

Bubbles was born weighing 14 ozs, and is currently the biggest girl, at 25.7 oz, on day 6.