So our sweet little girl is just about 11 months old now (she'll be 11 months old in 2 days). We've had a busy past few weeks, with a lot of traveling for work and a lot of rain! Farrah is getting rather used to be wet on a regular basis. We were hoping to take the Canine Good Neighbour text on Friday at a town about an hour away, but looks like we'll be taking here in Winnipeg in early August instead. Currently we're taking an intro to Rally course, and Farrah loves it. She's much better at it than us humans who are trying to read the signs and mixing up our about lefts and our about rights. Her and Sebastien (our cat) are incredible together, and are always cuddling or frolicing in the yard together.

Farrah and Sebastein napping in her kennel (a regular occurrence)

Protecting her domain. Always on the watch

Farrah and her good friend Tartan.